Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Ketchup Face!

Daddy is at home with Jace today and stepped away while he was eating lunch for a minute and came back to a little boy who decided to face paint in ketchup lol. He also pulled "his thing" out during nap this afternoon and peed all over his shorts. Daddy definitely had his hands full today!!

Last night, our neighbors stopped by to show us their new dog so we decided to let Tiff and Nole out to meet her as well. Since we were out front the dogs started to venture off a little down the street as they usually do after awhile of free roam. Daddy started to call for them to come back and Jace joined in lol. He now says "Tiiiffffff" to both of them instead of "Titty." Also, this morning I was leaving for work and Jace had his back to me sitting on the couch and I said "Bye Jace" he then replied "Bye Mom" and waved from behind while watching his cartoons lol. Jeremy and I both were taken back laughing at what we just saw him do. Then I went to give him a kiss and he ducked me! Our little man is definitely growing up!!

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