Monday, April 2, 2012

2 Year Check-Up

Today, we finally were able to take Jace to his 2 year doctor checkup. He has been on and off fighting colds the past 6 weeks so we had to reschedule twice. He is now 33 1/2 inches tall (25-50%) and he weighs 25lbs (10-25%). The weight did not surprise us one bit because he can be a very picky 2 year old sometimes. His favorite food is now plain Lays potato chips and he asks for them frequently especially when he sees them in the pantry, at Publix and Target. He also loves Oreo's!

Jace can count to three and loves saying them while jumping off furniture. His favorite number is two. Go figure lol! He loves balloons and knows he gets one at the check-out line at Publix. He usually asks for the blue one. Jace also knows what pirates say and when you ask him he makes a face with one eye open and says "AARRRGG"! He still loves playing with his cars and is definitely our all boy toddler!!

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