Friday, January 1, 2010

Holidays 2009

Uncle Jeremy and Caden playing outside Dixie Crossroads on New Years Eve!

Aunt Stacey and Savannah playing dress up at Grandma Betty's house on Christmas!

Our precious new nephew, Connor sleeping on Christmas day!

We had a wonderful holiday season with all of our families. It was definitely exciting meeting our new nephew, Connor Liam and seeing Tonya, Caleb, and of course Caden. I think the most exciting part for the both of us this year was watching our nephews and niece open up presents. I definitely can't wait to experience this with Jace next Christmas!

New Years this year was very low key for us. Not much you can do or want to do when you are pregnant. We ended up going to Dixie Crossroads in Titusville with Jeremy's parents, his and Aunt and Uncle, and the Keenan family. We had a great time with everyone and the rock shrimp was delicious as usual!

1 comment:

  1. Oh yea! Our boys made your page again!! Thanks for the entry, it is great!
