Saturday, January 9, 2010

Baby Shower! "Elmo to the Rescue"

Today was my baby shower and I had a great time. We had it at Emilionaz Mexican Restaurant in Altamonte Springs in there private room upstairs. The theme was adorable and all of my friends raved about it for weeks. My Mom, Mother in Law, Tonya, Shelley, Lisa, and Taylor did an awesome job. I can't thank them enough! I had 43 people in attendance and we received so many gifts. We are truly loved and blessed by many! My Mother In Law actually gave me Jeremy's "going home outfit" from the hospital. It was such a special and thoughtful gift and I will always cherish it!!

Jeremy had planned a beer, diapers, and wipes bowling event with the guys during my shower, but unfortunately he came down with a flu bug early that morning at the FD and was unable to attend his own party. His friends ended up going anyways and we received a mountain of diapers and wipes later on that afternoon. Fortunately, he felt better the next day and was able to help me go through all of our gifts.

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