Thursday, June 27, 2013

First Dental Appointment!

Jace had his first dental cleaning today. He overall did good. Jace was fine at first and enjoyed touching her tickle brush, but of course did not like it touching his teeth. He sat right up in the chair and said "Yucky Mommy!" He then put his hands over his eyes. He does this a lot now especially when he walks into school. It's his invisible mask. Jameson and I left the room and the hygentist came back a few minutes later to tell me she was finished and she was able to work around his hands. Jace had a great report from the Dentist he is cavity free so he got to ring the fun "No Cavity" bell on our way out.

The boys also really enjoy their baths together. Jameson mimics Jace all the time. They now splash all over the place thanks to Jace lol. I don't mind the mess because they are having a great time!! ;)

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