Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sunday Funday!

Daddy worked today so it was just me and the boys. Jace was being his typical mischevious self that morning while running around eating his favorite food, blueberries! Later that day, my Mom came over and watched Jace while Jameson and I met my friend Shelley and her son Brayden at Piedmont Lakes Middle School for their 20th Anniversary celebration. It was nice seeing some of my old teachers and our Principal, Mr. Magee. It was acutally his last week at Piedmont he was retiring that following Friday.

My favorite Middle School teacher, Ms. Stacy Nierman (now Mrs. Bishop) sent my Mom a photo that she took of us at the celebration. I also introduced myself to Jeremy's favorite teacher, Ms. New (now Mrs. Bednar) she was his favorite teacher at Zellwood Elementary and has been teaching at Peidmont since it opened in 1992. I am glad I went it was nice taking a trip down memory lane.

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