Thursday, January 31, 2013

Silly Jace!

Today was my day home with the boys. Jace recently started calling any canned drinks in sight "Pop Pop's Juice." My Dad always comes over and drinks canned beers at our house while watching sports games or just to hangout with Jace. A couple of weeks ago I was standing in the kitchen finishing a canned energy drink before work and Jace came over to me and said "That's Pop Pop's juice." I hope I am not drinking that early ;)

He wanted to lick Mommy's drink for some reason lol! Boys!!


Jace now loves to put any blanket over his head and pretend to disappear and play where's Jace game. He also likes for me to say "Oh no there is a silly ghost in our house." He is definitely our little silly man!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Oh Man!

Jace started saying "Oh Man" on Sunday night when he was playing lol. We finally caught him on video.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Jameson Still Waving!!

Jameson Waving!!

Today went to Little Johnny's first birthday party. While at the party Jameson started waving back to Lisa's Dad. Enjoy!!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Daddy's Hat!

Everytime Daddy gets home from his 24 hour shift at the FD Jace asks for his hat and puts it on. What can we say it's in his blood :)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Jameson loves Bouncing!

He is also starting to sit up really well. Enjoy :)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Sick Boy?!?!

Jameson had an upset stomach since he had his shots yesterday, he developed a bad diaper rash and was not his typical happy self. I decided to take him to the doctors office just to make sure he was okay. Jameson was so happy as soon as we arrived. He talked, smiled and laughed at everyone. The Nurse Practitioner even said he won the cutest baby award of the day. She said Jameson could be having a normal reaction to his shots, it could also be from all the new baby food he has tried over the past week and possibly from teething in general. I am glad I took him in better safe and healthy now than sorry later. Little Booger!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Shot Day!

Jameson got two shots today since we have him on the extended shot plan. He weighed in at 14lbs 9oz with all his clothes on. He also did not cry from the shots. Daddy talked to him while Mommy rubbed his head. He was such a trooper!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Happy 5 months Jameson!!

Jameson is now scooting across the room and I can't take my eyes off of him or he will roll off his playmate across the room. He loves his big brother Jace. He watches him like a hawk now. Jace loves it too! He also loves his baby food. Apples and Bananas or anything sweet is by far his favorite foods right now. He still loves to be held at all times and Mommy and Daddy adore him to pieces!!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sunday Funday!

Daddy worked today so it was just me and the boys. Jace was being his typical mischevious self that morning while running around eating his favorite food, blueberries! Later that day, my Mom came over and watched Jace while Jameson and I met my friend Shelley and her son Brayden at Piedmont Lakes Middle School for their 20th Anniversary celebration. It was nice seeing some of my old teachers and our Principal, Mr. Magee. It was acutally his last week at Piedmont he was retiring that following Friday.

My favorite Middle School teacher, Ms. Stacy Nierman (now Mrs. Bishop) sent my Mom a photo that she took of us at the celebration. I also introduced myself to Jeremy's favorite teacher, Ms. New (now Mrs. Bednar) she was his favorite teacher at Zellwood Elementary and has been teaching at Peidmont since it opened in 1992. I am glad I went it was nice taking a trip down memory lane.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Home Depot!

The first Saturday of every month Home Depot has a Kids Workshop. Jeremy and his friend Aaron take Jace and his buddy Weston. It's a great opportunity for Daddy and Jace to spend more one on one time away from the house. Jace has his very own orange Home depot apron and every time they go he gets a button to add to it. The first time they went they made a wooden firetruck, then a christmas frame and today they made birdhouses.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Years Day!!

We had a complete family day and of course FSU football!!