Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Baby Jameson!

Baby Jameson arrived at 9:28 this morning. I went into labor yesterday and even went to triage to get checked in the afternoon because I knew something was up. They told me to go home and get ready because I was having contractions every 10-15 minutes consistently. I had no idea lol! My mom stayed with Jace and I that night so Jeremy could maybe finish his shift at the FD. By 1:30am I could no longer take the pain and knew it was time. Jeremy, Shay Shay and Uncle Cody met us at the hospital.
I got an epidural pretty quickly then Jameson's heart rate went breaky (both very high and low) and scared us all to death. They ended up taking him out with an emergency c-section. I am so thankful the cord was wrapped around Jameson's foot only and he came into this world safe and healthy. He had a head full of hair and looked just like Jace! It was love at first sight all over again. He is definitely going to be my eater and big boy!
Tuesday's must be my lucky day! Both my boys were born on Tuesday mornings!!!
Jameson Cody Holderfield
8lbs 3oz and 21 inches

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