Wednesday, February 2, 2011

11 Months and Teething!!

About 2 weeks ago we noticed Jace was starting to get his top left tooth. Today, we saw he is now also getting one of the bottom ones as well. The first week was hard on him, but it is getting better day by day.

At 11 months, Jace is a pro at walking and he has now discovered climbing. We have been told by our gym daycare workers he is a climber and into everything (no surprise to us at all lol)! We now have to move everything away from the couch or gate so he can't climb on or over them. Jace is also pushing/pulling doors and drawers open. He is still a very happy baby and loves when we read to him. All I have to say is the title of his favorite books and he comes running to me.

He has definitely learned the true meaning of the word "NO" and shakes his head on a daily basis now when he does not want to eat or do something. He loves our dogs and likes to chase and play with them. He is obsessed with Tiffany and sometimes she will play along. Nole on the other hand loves him especially when he has food, but still wants nothing to do with him at night when he is the most grumpy.
All in all, we have a sweet happy little boy and we are truly blessed!!
(PHOTO: This is a photo of the first week of teething. Jace is laying on me so peacefully watching his shows. He never lays still anymore so I had to capture and enjoy it until the Motrin kicked in!)

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