Saturday, October 16, 2010

Jace at 8 Months!

Jace' new couch he is getting for Christmas! Thanks Pawpaw and Shay Shay!

In my new ride!

Thanks Papa for setting up my new ride !

Papa and Jace playing!

Daddy and Jace at the park!

Aaron and Weston swinging away!

Jace is definitely becoming quite the little character. It is also becoming quite impossible to change his diaper lately. He now shakes his head "No" sometimes when we are changing it. He also does touchdowns and claps (see video). Also when he does his touchdowns it almost sounds like he is trying to say it sometimes. Jace also walks across the room on his knees when pushing his ride-on firetruck. He also holds his swing while standing and goes back and forth with it. We think it will only be a matter of time before he starts walking! We also got him a car stroller today and he absolutely loves it!!

Today, my Dad came over to see us and played with Jace and his new toy. Later that day, we met Aaron, Tara and Weston at the park for a playdate. We also finally captured Jace on video doing his claps and touchdowns.

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