Thursday, September 30, 2010

7 Month Update!

Jace is definitely growing like a weed! He can now stand flat footed with assistance. We believe we have an early walker on our hands! Jace also crawls across the room on all fours. He just started this while Daddy and Mommy were watching the Florida State/Wake Forest game on 9/26. Jace' favorite places to crawl are the entertainment stand and dog door. Basically anywhere he should not be! At the end of this month, he actually started to pull himself up. He is doing it, but not quite standing up straight. He loves to pull himself up on your lap, entertainment stand and some of his big toys (Bouncer, Jumparoo, etc.).

Jace is getting more vocal. He has been saying "Hi" since he was about 3 months. It has never been on demand lol! For the past 2 months, he has been saying "Dada" and just recently he started saying "Mama." But, we are not sure if he understands what he is saying yet. He also loves eating puffs and crunchies. He loves to go into deep conversation with them in his mouth.

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