Monday, August 23, 2010

6 Month Check-Up!

Jace is growing and changing so fast. He now scoots and rolls himself across the living room. It definitely won't be long before he starts crawling! He is also sitting up better each day. His new thing is putting his hands in his food and dumping it all over himself. We have to now keep everything out of reach that he can't have because he puts everything in his mouth. He is becoming quite the little handful lately lol! At night, he now gets wild and playful right before bedtime so we play until he gets tired. He is such a sweet baby and he amazes us more each day!
At his 6 month check-up today his stats were 15lbs 13 oz and 25.5 inches long (both 25%). We also got his pictures done yesterday at Picture People and they turned out great! Jace' pictures will also be featured in their store soon for Halloween!

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