Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Jace and the IPhone!

Jace loves my IPhone! He loves when I let him look at himself through the picture option. We have so much fun taking pics and making silly faces! He also loves to look at himself in all of the mirrors in our home. I also show him our pictures throughout the house and he loves when I point at each person and say their name.

Monday, August 23, 2010

6 Month Check-Up!

Jace is growing and changing so fast. He now scoots and rolls himself across the living room. It definitely won't be long before he starts crawling! He is also sitting up better each day. His new thing is putting his hands in his food and dumping it all over himself. We have to now keep everything out of reach that he can't have because he puts everything in his mouth. He is becoming quite the little handful lately lol! At night, he now gets wild and playful right before bedtime so we play until he gets tired. He is such a sweet baby and he amazes us more each day!
At his 6 month check-up today his stats were 15lbs 13 oz and 25.5 inches long (both 25%). We also got his pictures done yesterday at Picture People and they turned out great! Jace' pictures will also be featured in their store soon for Halloween!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Jace and his Doggies!

Jace loves our dogs, Tiffy and Nole. Tiffany likes Jace and she sometimes wants to be around him. Nole, on the other hand, lets him do whatever. He pulls his hair and grabs him really hard and he does not mind at all. It's weird because Nole does not like anyone elses children. The other day I laid Jace in bed with me and saw Nole trying to play with him. Nole was on top of a pillow in our bed above Jace and had one of his favorite toys. I saw him playfully drop his toy dog to Jace and wag his tail trying to tell him to give it back to him. It was very cute! I also included some older pics of the family. Enjoy!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Starting to sit up!

Jace can now sit up with some assistance. When he falls forward he lifts himself right back up into a sitted position. It definitely won't be long until he starts doing it on his own!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

First Haircut!

First snip!

The Aftermath and a happy boy!
We both agreed it was time to get Jace his first haircut. He was so good and happy the entire time. I took him to my hairdresser, Nah. She was so honored to do it and she did a great job on our little man's first cut! He definitely looks more grown up now!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Weekend Pics!

On our way out to eat on Friday evening!

Sleepy head on Sunday afternoon!