Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Jace at 5 months!

Jace has really started to notice Tiffy and Nole lately. He loves petting (well touching) them. Nole does not mind at all as long as he is getting attention and Tiffany, on the other hand, is now scared to death of him (no surprise there) lol!

On a walk in our new neigborhood.

One of my many faces!

Daddy and Mommy love making Mohawks for Jace at bath time!

First time in the pool!

Not to sure!

Warming up to the idea!

Time is really flying right by and Jace is growing and getting stronger each day. He now can roll completely over. He has been for awhile, but he was having a little trouble getting his arm out from underneath his body. Now he is a pro at it and we don't have to help him anymore. Jace now rides in his stroller without the carseat. He also loves his jumparoo. His new things are beating on his chest and giggling at the word "poop". This is my fault I guess it is the way I say it. Jace' favorite food is bananas. Bananas are the only food so far we have introduced to him that he cleans the bowl and begs for more lol!

Jeremy also took him in the pool for the first time this past Sunday at my Mom's house. We just put his lower body in on Mother's Day, but this time he actually had the full experience. He was a little hesitant at first, but seemed to enjoy it. Yesterday I took him in our neighborhood pool and he really enjoyed every minute of it. He especially loved when I let him float on his back.

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