Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Jace at 4 months!

Jace is definitely growing each day and is such a happy little guy. He is now eating rice cereal once a day. He loves the rice cereal for a little while and then he usually gets a little frustrated half way through for some milk. I think it is because he is so used to getting full pretty quick with nursing or a bottle. We will try oatmeal next once he gets a little more used to the rice cereal.

Jace is also almost rolling over. He can move from side to side then from back to stomach. He has also found a new love for tummy time. I think it is because he can lift his head up to a 45 degree angle, look from side to side, and he can keep an eye on Mommy and Daddy at all times lol. He now enjoys his playmate for almost an hour or more several times throughout each day. Jace also loves going on long walks each evening in his stroller. We take him and the dogs around the big loop in our new neighborhood. He smiles, giggles, and laughs at us throughout the entire walk. He also loves staring at the trees and sky.

At his 4 month check-up on the 18th, he weighed 13lbs and 9 oz. with a wet diaper on and he is now 24 inches long. This puts him in the 25% percentile for both height and weight. Jace is such a happy boy at each appointment and he also loves all of the Nurses in the practice.

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