Saturday, December 12, 2009

Belly Changes!

Recently, I have been feeling Jace a lot more even when he is not even kicking me (it is more like his presence inside me). One night I woke up and sat straight up because I felt a painful pregnancy cramp in my leg and when I did I thought one of my dogs had jabbed their feet into my stomach because they were laying to close. When I looked around to move one of our dogs they were both sleeping no where near me in bed. I then realized it was Baby Jace! It felt like he was sticking his feet straight out almost like he was falling or going down a slide in my stomach. It has happened a few times since then too. I think I even felt his head bounce against my stomach when I sat up quickly one morning. It is a very cool and beautiful feeling to experience!

Tonight, I saw something truly amazing! I was standing in my bathroom mirror getting ready to take a bath and I noticed either his foot or hand prints on my belly when I took my shirt off. It took me a moment to realize what was on my stomach and when I did they disappeared right then. I was so excited I immediately grabbed the phone to call Jeremy. It definitely made my night! :)

1 comment:

  1. Isn't that awesome! With both boys from about 30 weeks on I used to just sit with my shirt pulled up over my belly and watch all of the rolling and the twists and turns they would do. Seeing it from the outside is the coolest part!!
