Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What's in a Name?

I just thought I would update and share why we are picking the name Jace for our son. My mom came to me a few years ago with this name and thought it was perfect for us. We loved it from the minute she shared it! I also love this name because it is not popular and I wanted to give him a name that was special and had meaning to the both of us. My nickname is Stace and the "J" is of course for Jeremy. Jace' middle name will be Lee after Jeremy and it is also Jeremy's Father's middle name.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Belly Changes!

Recently, I have been feeling Jace a lot more even when he is not even kicking me (it is more like his presence inside me). One night I woke up and sat straight up because I felt a painful pregnancy cramp in my leg and when I did I thought one of my dogs had jabbed their feet into my stomach because they were laying to close. When I looked around to move one of our dogs they were both sleeping no where near me in bed. I then realized it was Baby Jace! It felt like he was sticking his feet straight out almost like he was falling or going down a slide in my stomach. It has happened a few times since then too. I think I even felt his head bounce against my stomach when I sat up quickly one morning. It is a very cool and beautiful feeling to experience!

Tonight, I saw something truly amazing! I was standing in my bathroom mirror getting ready to take a bath and I noticed either his foot or hand prints on my belly when I took my shirt off. It took me a moment to realize what was on my stomach and when I did they disappeared right then. I was so excited I immediately grabbed the phone to call Jeremy. It definitely made my night! :)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Throw Backs!

Jeremy with newborn Savannah (look at his face lol)! 11-28-07

Me with Savannah!

Baby Caden all decked out in fire gear! Uncle Jeremy was so proud!!

Baby Tiffy!

Baby Nole!

I was going through some old pics on my desktop at my South Orlando office. Here are some of my favorites. Enjoy!!

28 Week Pics!


Hands in face!

I think he is praying or hiding lol?

Making a face! But, I think he is smiling/giggling!!

His Profile!
We finally were able to get two pics of Baby Jace' face without his hands or feet in the way this past Monday. Sorry they are a little blurry it is from the glossy paper they were printed out on. He now weighs 2lbs 12oz and all of his measurements are right on track. We go back around 34 weeks for one last ultrasound and I am hoping maybe he will let us see his face again.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Busy Week Update!

I had last week off and it was very relaxing. This week is definitely going to be anything, but that! I guess I better get used to it when little man arrives lol!! Tonight, we are meeting with his pediatrician, tomorrow night we start our birthing class series at Florida Hospital, Thursday afternoon I have my regular doctors visit and glucose test, and Friday is my work Christmas Party. This Monday I also go back to my high risk for another ultrasound. Hopefully Jace will cooperate this visit and let us see him a little more, but if not I guess I will be even more surprised when he arrives!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Our "First" Babies

Tiffany and Nole turned 3 years old earlier this month. They have both really grown up in the past year. They still have some puppy moments especially with toliet paper (mainly Tiffy)! Other than that they are such good dogs and I am sure they will be great with Baby Jace. They still enjoy going to the dog park, taking long walks throughout our neighborhood, visiting both grandma's houses, and of course chasing squirrels!

Christmas and Nursery Pictures!

We recently purchased our baby furniture from Crib 4 Life. They are awesome and they even deliver for a small fee. It was definitely worth every penny! We are going with a"fireman" theme for Jace' nursery. It is by no means finished, but I am sure after the shower and christmas we will be pretty much set. We also bought a Dutailer rocker/glider/recliner from Babies R US and it is so comfortable. Jeremy loves to watch football games in it and we both practice rocking the dogs in it lol!!

I also included some Christmas pics of our home with the blog. Enjoy!

18 weeks pic

I meant to post this pic awhile back, but got busy and forgot. My belly has definitely grown since then. I am actually almost now going into my third trimester. I am still feeling pretty good, but I have noticed my energy level is starting to go back down again and running is definitely coming to an end soon. I feel Jace kick all of the time. He is so funny as soon as Jeremy puts his hands on my belly he stops moving. I will definitely post pics soon of my current belly and baby Jace after my next doctors appointment on the 7th.

Friday, September 25, 2009

It's a ....

Looks like a BOY!


BOY part!


Profile Pic! (My favorite)

BOY! We were both very anxoius and excited for this appointment. The sonographer took her time with us and she made the experience awesome. At first, she was just showing us pics of the baby's face then all of a sudden she was able to get the baby to finally cooperate so she could move further down. When baby finally let her, she asked me if I knew what that was!? I started to cry and said yes it is a BOY! Jeremy was so excited he jumped up and gave me the biggest kiss and said thank you for making my dream come true. I get choked up just thinking about it all over again lol. We will definitely be going back to her for our 4d pics at 28 weeks. Enjoy!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

September Check-Up

Everything went extremely well at this appointment. The baby's heartbeat was great at 153 bpm and I still weigh the same (YEAH!). I feel great and I only get tired on the days I workout now. The doctor told me to continue working out throughout my pregnancy because its good not only for me, but the baby and delivery as well. I go back in 3 weeks for my next sonogram to find out the sex of the baby. I can't wait!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Second Trimester

I finally entered my second trimester. Not only have I reached a new milestone in my pregnancy, I feel so much better! My energy is coming back slowly each day. I am also working out more and running around a lot more lately. Recently, we started to get things ready for the baby. Over the weekend, we went with Aunt Tonya to Babies R US and got started on our baby registry. Today, we got our carpets and tile cleaned before we start to turn the guest bedroom into a nursery. I am definitely starting to realize time is flying by so I am trying to stay on top of things that need to be done before Baby H arrives.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Pregnancy Update

Many of you have been asking me how I have been feeling lately and I thought I would do a quick update. These past couple of weeks I have been so fatigued and a little nauseated at times. I think it has a little to do with the wonderful Florida heat we are experiencing right now and the rest is just normal first trimester symptoms. I am still working out, but not as much or as heavy as I was doing pre-pregnancy. Many of you have been telling me it will pass soon because I am almost at the end of my first trimester and I sure hope it does, but I know if it does not it will be all worth it in the end. :)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Doctors Appointment

We had our second doctors appointment this afternoon. Everything went really well. I got some more optional blood work done and I heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time using the heart monitor. The heartbeat was great at 168 bpm. We go back in September for another check-up and then I can schedule another sonogram to find out the sex of the baby!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

First Sonogram

Our first sonogram was Monday July 13th at 7 weeks and 2 days. We were so excited to see our baby "sweet pea" for the first time and even more excited that everything looked and sounded great. Our next doctors appointment is next Thursday for more blood work and I am definitely going to schedule another sonogram because I am dying to see how much the baby has grown.