Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter 2013!

Easter was great! Jace actually woke up and found the trail of eggs the Easter Bunny left him to the baskets in the living room so I could not get any pictures. He is too quick!! Jace loved all the candy and Jameson loved the sweet potatoes and mashed potatoes at both lunch and dinner. We finished Easter day with a relaxing golf cart ride.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Today we celebrated Caden's 5th Birthday at GATORLAND! We enjoyed a train ride, the exhibits and finished with the splash pad. It was a great day!!

Friday, March 22, 2013


Today we renewed our passes for our nephew Caden's 5th Birthday and took Jameson for the very first time. He loved the sharks. I had him in the baby bjorn in the shark encounter tunnel and he suddenly laid his head on my chest to enjoy the sharks swimming over us. So sweet! Jace also had a blast. Daddy even said he is at the perfect age now that we can all really enjoy it with him. Boy he flew across the nets at the playground and enjoyed a big boy ride. Shay Shay also bought him a penguin hat he never took off that day!    

Sunday, March 17, 2013

St. Patty's Day!!!

We celebrated St. Patrick's Day with a golf cart ride with Grandad and Ma, some shopping with Ma, and some Green food at dinner. Jace and Jameson loved the golf cart ride. Jace even got to drive it up our driveway.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

7 Months!

Jameson is now 7 months and he is still our little happy guy. He is now scooting a little, loves his bouncer, and eats pretty much any baby food we give him. He especially loves anything with sweet potatoes and bananas! Jameson also loves his big brother Jace. He watches him constantly and you can tell he already looks up to him.

Friday, March 8, 2013

At Park with Uncle Cody!

Uncle Cody joined us at the park today. Jameson is now starting to recognize people as strangers he is not around that often. I walked away to get Jace and left Jameson swinging with Cody and he lost it. Then Uncle Cody held him later at the picnic tables and put some sunglasses on him and boy that made him mad (see pic lol). I remember a little baby (Cody) who was the same way and also loved his binky just like Jameson. I guess there was a reason I named him after Cody ;)