Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Jameson's 28 Week 4D Pictures!

We went to Emery Diagnostics in Apopka and had our 4d pics done this morning. It was both a neat and fun experience! Our big boy weighed in at 3lbs 5oz!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Swim Lesson Week 2 - Day 2

Jace is still doing great! He is keeping his eyes open, holding his breath, reaching for Ms. Ashley and now starting to kick.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Swim Lessons - Week 2

Yesterday was cancelled due to bad weather so Jace started his swim week today. He went right to Ms. Ashley when we arrived and was fine until he went under for the first time. He cried his eyes out each time and reached for Mommy. She said he is doing great by holding his breath and reaching for her each time he goes under water. She also said he will get used to it and all kids hate it at first.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Today Jace and I got ready for Mother's Day. I had cards made for all the Grandma's and Great Grandma's. I left the cards blank inside so Jace could draw them all a pretty picture. He did a great job!!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Swim Lessons - Week 1!

Jace started swim lessons with Ms. Ashley on Monday. He cried the first 2 days which is completely normal (see last picture above). This week was all about building a relationship with Ms. Ashley and becoming familiar with her pool. He did everything Ms. Ashley asked him to by holding onto the sides of the pool wall and picking up toys from the pool steps and putting them back into the net. The last 2 days went great without really any hesitation and crying. Jace is now starting to trust Ms. Ashley and knows Daddy and Mommy are not leaving him. Today, Ms. Ashley had him float on his back to show him what he will learn next week.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Monthy Check-Up!

Today I had my monthy check-up. Jameson is still measuring bigger than Jace ever did and his heart was great at 152 bpm. I go back in 3 weeks for my glucose test and 3d pics!  

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Swimming and a Cupcake!!

Daddy worked today so Mommy and Jace had a lazy Sunday hanging outside by the pool. We had a blast! When we were finished Jace ate an entire cupcake I brought him home from a work event on Friday night. He must have been hungry from all the swimming!!