Saturday, May 28, 2011

1st Florida Beach Trip!

Today, we went to New Symrna Beach to celebrate Daddy's and Cody's birthdays. Mimi rented a 2 bedroom condo for the weekend. Aunt Ashley also made her famous wings.

Jace had an absolute blast in the water! We brought Jaces' pool from home for everyone to sit and enjoy. Jace also had his first boogey board experience. He surprised us by getting up on his knees while Daddy and Savannah pulled him through the waves. We can't wait to go back again!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Date with Ashley!

Today, Jace and I went to Olive Garden and Michaels with my friend Ashley. It was great catching up with Ashley at dinner and then we got to help her with some wedding planning at Michaels. Jace of course was quite the little ham the entire evening. He now hates shopping with me which makes his Daddy proud ;)

Friday, May 20, 2011

15 Month Check-up!

Today, Jace had his 15 Month check-up. He did great and was his usual busy little self. He loved Nurse Elaina's reflux tool so much that she let him play with it during our visit. Jace now weighs in at 21lbs and 4 oz. (20th percentile) and is 30 inches long (25th percentile). He is also up to speed on all motor skills.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Swimming and Pizza at Papas!!

This afternoon, Jace and I headed over to my Dad's to go swimming. We had a great time! Even some of our old neighbors joined us. They all could not believe how big Jace was and how good he is at walking (well running). After our swim, Jace and I headed over to Papa's condo to take home some of his homemade pizza for dinner. Jace loves his homemade cheese pizza! While we were waiting for the pizza to finish, Jace discovered Papa's stairs. He immediately with our supervision went right up to the top his first attempt. Let's just say, Papa now has to buy a safety gate!

Monday, May 16, 2011

15 Months Update!

Jace is now running around and getting into everything he can get his hands on lol. His favorite place is now our bathroom cabinets. He also loves to climb! He will climb on anything including us to get to our blinds, television, or couch. Jace will even knock all the pillows off our couch and use them as step stools to get on the couch to climb around. Also, the word "NO" means yes to him!

Jaces' vocabulary has definitely grown in these past few months. He has now added the words "nice" and "no no no"to his list. He will say "ni" (nice) when he is petting the dogs gently and says "no no no" while pointing his finger at anything. He now says "Mom" very clear when he really needs me. Also, when we facetime Daddy at work he says "Dadadada" as soon as he appears on the screen. Toy Story 3 is now his favorite movie and he will sit on the floor or his FSU chair and watch it for long periods.

Jace loves for Mommy to read to him. All Mommy has to say is the title of one of his favorite books and he comes running with it in his hands.

He has definitely grown into our little toddler ham and will do anything to make us laugh or smile!!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Weekend!

Jace and Mommy were both sick over the weekend, but we made the best of it. Daddy and Jace sent Mommy flowers to her work last Thursday for Mother's Day. Daddy also picked us up 4-Rivers for dinner on Saturday night and Jace absolutely loved their baked cheese grits.

Recenly, Jace started to pick up his phone or our iphones and says "hi" and pretends like he is listening to someone on the other end while he walks around with it up to his ear. It's so cute! He also plays with his 18 month and up toys (elmo rocker, powerwheels firetruck, and v-tech turtle) like a pro.