Monday, January 31, 2011

Afternoon at the Park!

We took Jace to the park this evening. We let him walk into to the park with his shoes on. He did great!! :)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Sick Boy!

Yesterday, Jace had his first real fever. Poor little guy looked so pitiful! We took him to the doctors almost immediately. He tested negative for everything and acted almost normal when the Motrin kicked in. He played a little in the room and weighed in at 19lbs 11oz. The doctor believes he has a virus and it needs to just run its course. By the afternoon, he had a 103.2 fever. We called the doctor, got some different meds, and and got it back down again. I am so happy to report today he is almost back to normal.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Today, we went to SeaWorld with Jeremy's entire side of the family! We had a great time with everyone. Jeremy even got to enjoy the playground with Caden. Jace and Connor really enjoyed the underwater viewing of the dolphins. They are so cute together!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sleepy Head!

Mommy was getting ready for work and Daddy had just got home. Jace decided to fall asleep in the middle of breakfast lol!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Our Little Climber!!

Not only is Jace walking like a pro, he has now discovered climbing! It can be very scary at times and we can never really take our eyes off of him now. He likes to stand on anything (e.g. toys, Daddy and Mommy, and furniture). Our little man is becoming quite the little monkey!!