Tuesday, December 27, 2011

1st Sonogram!

Today we got to see Baby #2 for the first time. Everything looked great! Our little blueberry's heartrate was at 160 bpm and today we are 6 weeks and 6 days along.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Baby #2

Baby #2 is on it's way! Due on August 17th 2012!! We are so excited!!!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving Weekend!

We hosted Thanksgiving at our house for the very first time. It was great! The best part is we did not have to leave and we had plenty of leftovers. I think we started a tradition!!

Jace ate a little. He was getting sick once again. But, he enjoyed playing with his cousins and especially with both Papa's!! We also got started on our Christmas lights and finished our tree on Saturday. It was a great weekend!!!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Fun Day at Sea World!

Today, my friend Ashley and I took Jace to Sea World. He did so well he even sat through his first show "Sesame Street" which was Christmas themed. He really enjoyed every minute of it! We took turns holding him so he could see since we were in the very back row and we both loved watching him enjoy the show. To my surprise after the show, Jace enjoyed some chocolate dippin dots with us. He usually dislikes anything cold.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Today, we arrived in Massachusetts to visit the Keenan Family. They just had a crazy snowstorm about a week before our arrival and there was still plenty of snow left our first day in town. Jace got to enjoy it and he loved it! On our 5 day visit we went to downtown Boston shopping, Jeremy went to the Boston College/FSU game, we celebrated Cousin Connor's 2nd birthday, The Boston Aquarium, and The Children's Museum. We also were able to visit with my good friend Shelly and her boyfriend Justin in West Springfield, we went to Yankee Candle and the NBA Basketball Hall of Fame with them. It was a much needed and very relaxing trip.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween 2011

Jace was Buzz Lightyear for his 2nd Halloween! He loves Buzz and it was actually one of his first words he could say and we could understand. We invited some friends and their kids from the AFD that go to school with him as well as his cousins to go trick or treating with us. Jace loved running from house to house and receiving candy to put into his hood of his car stroller. For weeks after Halloween, he still tried to run up to our neighbors' front doors for candy lol! It was a great night!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Universal Studios!

Today, we took Jace to Universal for the first time with Aunt Ton Ton and her boys. We had a great time! Jace did not get to ride much, but it was still fun. We rode a couple of the Dr. Suess rides, Jaws and a water slide in one of the kid areas. Jace does not care much for rides yet especially the Carousel (see video). He also got to meet The Grinch!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Today was Jaces' 18 month check-up. He did really well. He weighed in at 22lbs and is 32 inches tall. He is now in the 50% for his height. Jace is a very active boy and keeps both Daddy and Mommy on their toes at all times. His next well visit is at 2 years old.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Jace on his way to School

This morning Daddy took Jace to school and he put his sunglasses on. Jace walked all they way to his classroom with them on. He decided to take them off when he got in the room to say hello to everyone:)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Nursey D!

Jace's First Day in Nursery D. He did not know what to think! He missed his teachers from Nursery C and his friends that got moved up to the 2's. He actually cried when I tried to leave, but overall ended up having a great day!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Nursery C - Spring 2011

These pictures were given and taken by Jaces' Nursery C teachers. He had a great first quarter at Trinity! We absolutely love Ms. Vicky and Ms. Flo!!