Friday, April 16, 2010

2 month Check Up

Today, Jace had his 2 month check-up. We decided to go on the shot plan that did not require all of his shots at one time. Jace was smiling, kicking his legs, cooing, and giggling when we laid him down on the doctors table to be examined. Our doctor did not even have to ask us about his development because he was happily displaying all of them for her as well. Then Jace received his shots. I don't know what hurt worse Jace's thigh or Mommy and Daddy's hearts! Boy, they do not prepare you for that one, but they were nice enough to give us all a few minutes to recover. Jace now weighs 10lbs and is 22 inches long which puts him in the 10% percentile. What can we say? He is just a little guy! :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Jace' First Easter!

We went to my Grandma and Granddad's house for Easter this year. Jace got to play with his cousin Junior on his new playmate we got him as an early Easter gift. We also got him an elmo basket with a ball inside and some links for his new playmate so he can reach his hanging toys a little better. Overall, we had a wonderful 1st Easter as a family of 3!!

Friday, April 2, 2010

First Giggle!

On April Fools Day, and no this is not a joke ;)! I heard Jace's first giggle! I had just finished changing him and I picked up the little statue Jeremy's Mom gave us that was actually Jeremy's when he was little and started to read the little saying it has on it, "Dear God, I am the littlest in the gang, could you stop everybody from growing till I catch up?" All of a sudden when I was finished he smiled and giggled at me! I guess he thought it was funny too :)