Thursday, December 30, 2010

Today, we went back to the Picture People to capture a family photo with Jeremy's entire side. Jace was great with the first 2 sets of portraits with just our little family and then with Jeremy's parents added, but started losing it (along with his cousins) when we got the entire group together. Let's just say we got one lol!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Aftermath of Jaces' First Christmas!

Our living room/Jaces' play area!

Some of the new toys!

His already full toy box!

Cousin Junior came over to help play with some of Jaces' new toys!!

Boy! Is Jace very blessed to have so many new toys and so many people who love and care about him!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas at Pawpaw and Shay and Shay's House!

Around mid-morning, we headed over to Pawpaw and Shay-Shay's house to open presents and celebrate with all of Daddy's side of the family. Jace had a great time with his cousins and of course his Pawpaw!!

Jaces' First Christmas!!

We celebrated Christmas morning with my Mom, Dad, Donny, and my Grandparents. We watched Jace open his gifts and then enjoyed a yummy breakfast. Jace absolutely loved his new powerwheels firetruck! He was not into opening gifts like he was last night, but he had a great time playing with all of his new toys!!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve!

My Dad (Papa) came over along with Uncle Cody to have dinner and exchange gifts. Jace had a blast opening presents for the first time! I think he loved the paper a little more though lol!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Jace with the Neighborhood Santa!

Tonight, we went to our Community pool to see Santa. Our neighborhood HOA had Santa and the Apopka Fire Department come visit the kids at the pool. They had hot cocoa and everyone brought Santa and the Firefighters sweets! Daddy was fortunately one of the firefighters that night so we got to see him too!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Jace at the Millenia Mall!

Waiting for Santa!

The view from the 2nd level!

Jace and Santa!

Today, we took Jace to the Millenia Mall to see Santa and get his picture taken with him. They did a fabulous job! Jace even pulled on his (real) beard lol!! He loved every minute of it and their set-up is amazing!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Jaces' First Golf Cart Ride!

Granddad took Jace and I on his first golf cart ride. He loved it!! Rowdy and Tebow did not go, but they were in the picture at the end of our ride.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Jace at 9 Months!

Jace had his 9 month check-up today. He weighed in at 18lbs 11oz and is 27 3/4 inches long. His future height projection is 5'8. He also received some shots and made a little sad face after the Nurse finished.

He is still such a happy boy. He is standing up without any assistance and can stay up for a short period. He loves to shake his head "No" and tells us "No" when he does not want to do something (e.g. changing his clothes and diaper especially). He also loves to read his books!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sea World!

Today, is our 4 year wedding Anniversary so we took Jace to Sea World for the first time to celebrate. We had a great time. We did not see any shows, but we pretty much did everything else. Jace absolutely loved the penguins and rode the carousel with Daddy while looking for Mommy after he passed me by! He also met Santa for the first time in the Wild Artic.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Jace First Halloween!

We had a great first Halloween with Jace. He was a Frog because he is known for doing frog sounds (especially when we were in California) and one of his nicknames is now Froggy (from the Little Rascals). The 3 of us went to breakfast that morning followed by a playdate at the park with the Browns and Maynards. Later that day, Papa, Mimi, Grandma, Aunt Ashley and Jace's cousins, Brock, Savannah and Junior came over to trick or treat. We had a lot of fun watching the kids and Jace actually trick or treated because Daddy wanted some candy lol!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Starting to Walk!

Jace at the Apple Store with Daddy!